
catch-all catch-up.

we're definitely not in southeast asia anymore. proof:

xochimilco... a place to get away from it all with the rest of mexico city's 20 million or so inhabitants. it's where the locals go to kick back a taco and a cold one, enjoy a little mariachi music and leisurely knock into each other's boat. texans: this is very comparable to tubing, or "toobing:" alcohol plus friends plus music plus slow moving water equals good times. i cannot confirm, but i think alcohol is the key variable in this equation for maximum enjoyment.

tree, anyone?

we succumbed to the guy selling ponchos from his boat.  fox was glad we did.

a rare occasion: matt gets home before foxy calls it a night.  we celebrated with a stroll through the park and a stop at the market.  you can tell by the dumbfounded look on foxworth's face that this is not a nightly occurrence.

how's your neck, matthew dear?

fox's personal favorite aisle: the dairy case.

the pyramids of teotihuacan.

sister came.

pondering truth with my friend, little L.

and, just some mexico (noelle: the shots i owe you).


Anonymous said...

got your email...i just can't wait for you to call NY home. loved seeing more of mexico. ps..what is the validate situation on the sidebar? i am a faithful follower...just never have anything clever to add. i have made a promise to myself to do better at commenting..no more lurking. i like comments on my blog too much to withhold mine from others;)

kate said...

looks fabulous erin! what fun!

hilary said...

i LOVE foxy's face in the first pic of him on matt's shoulders. actually i love all of them! but especially that one, so cute! wish i could come for a visit. miss you, sister.

Mardi and Jeremey said...

Oh yeah, I forgot. I can't believe how big Fox is getting! How is he sleeping? Jer knows how Matt feels. He used to hate it when Becks went to bed early because his time with him was limited already, but I realized when we started getting Becks to bed earlier, he started sleeping better. I love the pictures of the walk.

Starley Family said...

Wow! Looks like you have really taken advantage of the sites! Good on ya!

noelle said...

sweet. i'm posting a link to these from mine. love it.

Kat said...

erin, can the jungle and the valley girl's guide to life really both be in the same category of favorite books? Speaking of, melvin is a lost gem of a word, i think i will be using it more often. it's really been too long! any plans to be home for the holidays? hilly too?

Brittney Daniel Liechty said...

Love Fox's little poncho! & those pyramids look way rad. I'm screaming for a getaway. Even that lucky little stroll in the park looks divine. Looks like you've made some good friends down there my dear, & I'm glad. When do you come home?!

Kristina said...

Hi -- found your blog through expat-blog.com. I'm a fellow expat, living in the state of Guanajuato and reading through a few of your posts, I can definitely relate! P.S. For Crisco, I use "Inca" which I'm pretty sure is purely vegetable shortening; comes in a bag.

greta said...

So i know who you know!! i LOVE it when i meet people in common...I'm VTing when i realize your friend noelle is audrey (the person i'm vt) sister.... she is so great and i'm sure her sister is the same. just had to share... love and miss ya- great pic of matt playing squash with her hubbie!

Anonymous said...

I also found your blog through expat-blog.com. Your posts are great. They really make me laugh. I am an English expat living just north of Mexico City. My husband is Mexican though, so it looks like I´m in it for the long haul over here!! If there´s any room in your suitcase when you pack up for New York, you just let me know! haha.
Take care

Naytron said...

Good stuff Erin.

Natalie Que said...

I love it. All of it. You're too much. Let's move home to wherever we're moving home to and be bff's -k?

Anonymous said...

looks like you guys had a great time... :)

old me.