although my address is in manhattan, i don't wake up every morning, roll over and high five regis and kelly. i like our neighborhood, a lot. it quiets down at night, it feels safe, and the streets and business owners are starting to feel familiar to me. but over the past few days i've had a few moments where i've stepped back and realized just exactly where it is that i'm living.
moment 1: just going to the local anthropologie i pass by rockefeller center and nbc studios.
moment 3: bernie madoff at the grocery store. is that possible? matt asked me if i looked for the ankle bracelet -- not exactly the first thought that came to my head... more like, is it safe to be standing this close to you, mr. madoff?
and, okay ash, i'll do it, i'll do it for you. the fourth picture from the fourth album in my picture file:

yours truly, circa 1983. chubby arms, grubby cast correcting a gimpy right foot, homemade dress... we was po' folk. i haven't done a tag post in a while for a number of reasons. one, i start the post and never finish; two, i sometimes feel like i'm trying too hard or don't have anything great to say or that people will thing i'm blagging (thanks amy for the term), then my weird social anxieties start to smolder... you get the idea. i thought since this picture happened to be the winner i'd throw it up to perhaps quell any lingering doubts that i am fox's biological mother:

Way cute!! both pics :)
Seriously? Bernie?! I would have asked to have my picture taken with him & his bullet-proof vest.
oh my-- you and fox do look alike! You were a darling little girl- so much cuter than I was with my perma-bowl haircut.
And what do you have against homemade dresses? :)
Sounds like culture shock. We easterners had the exact same feelings when we moved to on ever corner, 8 minutes from a temple, an hour from like 100 get the point. It sounds like quite the adventure though. Keep posting, that way I can live vicariously through you :)
i love your first sentence. we still have moments of surprise that we live in nyc.
i love itty-bitty pics of erin! you are so cute and foxman has found his mother...snort! ;)
1. what a cute little erin!
2. you have a local anthropologie? i am moving to your neighborhood. they have ruined me for all other clothes. (of course if i didn't buy other clothes until we could afford anthro on any sort of a regular basis, i would be nakey.)
3. so glad you are enjoying your new home.
p.s. did i just spell anthropologie with a "y?" if so, i am so uncool. you know, pregnancy rots your brain.
SO jealous. Central Park is one of my favorite places on earth :)
i love that you live in nyc.
fox is sure handsome.
So, I am so embarrassed, but I had no idea who bernie madoff was, so I googled him. Talk about crazy! I can't believe he was at your grocery store!
Oh, and way cute pictures!
oh, gah! rub the nyc-awesomeness in, why don't you. J-E-A-L-O-U-S. and hello. that pic of you! what is not to LOVE?? the curls, the aDORable dress, even the gimpy foot in the grubby cast. darling, darling. fox's swoon-worthiness is an inherited trait.
i want to go to there!
erin, lets be neighbors! please please please. i hope columbia and ny like forrest as much as we like columbia and ny.
thanks again for dinner! we had a great time. i hope we can do it on a regular basis this fall.
haha! i had to google bernie madoff, too... scary. however, the fact that you pass the nbc studios on your way to anthropologie makes me jealous and want to come visit. badly! and i'm glad you posted your cute gimpy foot picture because i love it! it's so adorable, sister. and there's no doubt you're fox's mamma!
guess what. my little sister is moving to the big app. will you keep an eye on her and make sure she bundles up warm? jk. no but seriously. she's moving there from florida, so honestly she has no idea what cold is really like. yikes.
and you really should give r&kelly a hi5.
as for neighborhoods, don't you wanna come to beantown?? futon a-waiting : )
guess what. my little sister is moving to the big app. will you keep an eye on her and make sure she bundles up warm? jk. no but seriously. she's moving there from florida, so honestly she has no idea what cold is really like. yikes.
and you really should give r&kelly a hi5.
as for neighborhoods, don't you wanna come to beantown?? futon a-waiting : )
ps. fox with curls!!! can't wait till you have a girl.
pps. how's the dancing??
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