
record deals are the new black.

simply stated, i am of the mind that you shouldn't be making records unless you can sing.  who's with me?  newsflash young hollywood: just because you're rich, attractive and occasionally grace the silver screen does not mean you automatically have a talent for crooning.  if you weren't who you are, there's no way in this life or the one to come that anyone would be offering you record deals with those pipes.  but guess what?  it's perfectly okay that you can't sing.  me neither!  by all means, feel free to work on your craft in the privacy of your car, the shower, or at the karaoke bar--i do; but don't insult my intelligence by trying to sell it to me.  no amount of lipstick-and-rouge computer magic will help that track of yours to sound any better than a wounded cat in heat.  it's like you just woke up one day and said, "i'm bored.  maybe i'll make an album today."

i'm a bit saddened by the most recent starlet-wannabe-popstar victim, scarlett johansson.  she's not your typical lindsay/paris party girl... she does woody allen films for crying out loud.  scarlett, i thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when.


Carlee Hoopes said...

HAHAHA. I totally agree with you. Do you ever watch Best Week Ever on VH1? They did a segment about this video and it cracked me up. Here's the link:


Skip to the -07:00 mark.

Regardless, it's a horrible song and a horrible music video. I also would have never pegged Scarlett to fall victim to this unfortunate trend.

greta said...

bad bad bad

hilary said...

oh my. what the? that... was weird. i'm with you, too many wanna be's in hollywood. poor scarlett. and you're hilarious!

Net said...

yeah, well, she also said she wanted to be engaged to Barack Obama, so I figure her reasoning has been out of whack for a while now...

Abby said...

I saw that album on i-tunes the other day and was like "What the Heck!" SO I hear ya on this one.....Bad!!

old me.