you were born.
did i tell you how you refused to come out? when time came for birthin', you were not interested. so as to expedite the process, i hiked around and down a mountain, then walked up 20 flights of stairs.
it was cute at first, this clinging to the womb bit, but your apathy towards birth started to get old when your estimated weight approached nine pounds. the doctor decided to make it uncomfortable for you in there by draining you out. didn't take long after that.

you were big and blond. you had funny long hairs on the right side of your head. your hands were, as one doctor put it, like saint bernard paws. your toesies were long. when the doctor broke my/your (our?) water, he accidentally scraped your little head, which actually turned out to be helpful... if we lost you in a nursery full of black-haired, five pound chinese babies, all we'd have to do was look for the guy with the lacerated scalp.
did i tell you how happy you made me? how happy you make me? everyday?
oh how i love you, sweet little eggroll boy.
happy birthday, chief.
photo by kathryn whiting
I love him. Happy 1st Foxy man!
Happy Birthday Fox! Cherish every moment you have with him. Time Flies way too fast. Before you know it he'll be two...then three...then eighteen.
Happy birthday cute Fox!
Seriously? Cut his head open? Poor kid, & what a welcome to the world.
Happy 1st, Fox. We like you quite a bit.
Happy birthday Fox!
That first photo just melted my heart. That's so precious! What a good looking little cowboy you have. Happy birthday Mr. Fox!
happy birthday fox!
Happy Birthday Fox! It goes by way too fast :)
Happy Birthday Fox!
Happy Birthday Foxie. Love you!
Happy Birthday indeed cute Fox! I loved this post-loved it. So happy to have Fox (and you and Matt) here in NYC! And of course the picture is amazing-love that KW!
Happy Birthday Fox! I can't believe how big he is!
happy birthday, foxy! i love you.
erin, you and matt have done a fine job. this man is a keeper for sure. love you both!
Such a cute post. Happy BDay to the little man.
I'm not sure if you got my email...sometimes my messages tend to go straight to people's spam???...let me know if you got it!
i can't believe it was one year ago you were in hong kong and he came into this world! i love the pictures, especially the first one. oh i love him! happy birthday foxy!!
happy belated to fox! that top picture is so sweet, and it is just amazing how much he looks like 'himself' as a brand-new newborn.
i hope you had fun celebrating!
What a handsome little fella. Happy Birthday.
i have a lump in my throat. and my heart is aching a bit. oh my. he is the sweetest. i can't believe it's been a year. i miss him. and you. sigh. happy birthday foxy boy. i can vouch for your mamma and tell you that you truly do make her happy. very, very happy.
What a cute mamma you are. Fox is such a sweet boy. Happy bday kiddo!
sweet, darling boy. already a heart breaker. happy birthday, foxxy. you are loved.
happy birthday, foxland! i can't believe it's been a year. give him kisses from his auntie manda!
one year! oh boyo! i hope he had a fantastic first!
Oh. My. Goodness. When did he get so big? To me, he is still the little four month old we first met in July! We miss you Foxy Loxy. We miss you parents. We miss rock band nights with yummy caramel popcorn made with mexican marshmallows. Happy Birthday dearest little Fox!
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