i got mean today, and i'm pretty sure it was righteous indignation, but you be the judge...
new york city subway stations are horrible. they're home to thousands and thousands of rats, they smell like urine, and they are definitely not handicap friendly (read: pick up your stroller, throw it over your shoulder and get walking up those stairs, girlfriend). elevators are about as rare as a three dollar bill, so imagine our relief as kathryn, suzi & strollered will, strollered fox and i saw an elevator on the platform as our train was pulling to a stop. we and everyone else on the train made a bee-line for the elevator, and fox and i were the only fortunate ones out of our small band to make it on the lift as able-bodied, stroller-less humans with perfectly good legs piled in after me. maddening. so as the elevator doors shut, i decided to open my gob and pick a fight with the entire, inconsiderate crowd while confined in an 8x8 foot box. went something like this:
big mouth: "you know, you should really let people who need the elevator use it first."
snarky chick, to her friend: "did you hear what she just said??"
her friend: "uh-huh!"
big mouth: "now my friend has to carry her stroller up that entire flight of stairs."
snarky chick: "well she can wait!"
guy in the corner starts humming a song to break the tension. snarky chick and friend mock me in a language i assume is english. i'm mumbling my grievances under my breath.
doors open.
pile out.
i ram snarky chick with the stroller. just kidding. maybe.
AMEN!! Been there done that and hoisting that 20lb stroller and the 20lb kid up and down and up and down, oh what joy!! In the end it makes us STRONGER... (just keep telling yourself that and the dirty looks burning holes into your head will seem a little less hot!) keep strooll'en
I sort of love that you were brave enough to do that in what was really a LOCKED BOX. I shudder at the thought of what kind of mayhem could have broken lose. But really - Suzi is lucky to have a friend that would take such a risk in defense of her honor. It was true courage.
Good for you. I did things like that all the time when I was pregnant. I guess I felt tougher. Not I am too chicken, but I always think of things I would like to say.
At work, students always pack on the elevator to go to the 2nd and 3rd floors, leaving little to no room for those of us going to legitimate elevator floors (like 7 and 8). It drives me crazy. Seriously people, two flights! There are stairs everywhere, and they are meant to be used. Tell your husband if I ever catch him taking the elevator one flight, I may not say anything, but he will get a dirty look! ;)
That really is brave of you, bravo!
True confession: I rode an elevator from the subway today...and yesterday. I look totally able bodied but I have a gimp knee.
And I didn't shove any strollers or wheelchairs to ride, so hopefully I get a free pass.
i'm proud of you for saying something and i'm proud of you for refraining from telling her that her rear would appreciate it if she would take the stairs.
Good for you!! I'm proud!
Ok Buttercup and Little Red Hen are on my list. I'll have to add the other ones too. I must say I was a little disappointed with Magnolia, but you have to go there if you're going to be the know-all of cupcakes;)
Give 'em heck Skeener. Once you've proved yourself to be unafraid to express your opinion in a locked box of strangers, I say look out NYC-Skeener's on the loose. It's a little liberating I might add. I have had a handful of Public Transportation confrontations. It seems like humanity usually is on holiday when you are in a speeding sweat box. Good for you. Perhaps you missed your life's calling. Handicapped Parking Enforcement Officer.
I am so proud of you. I think more New Yorkers need to understand the concept of strollers, elderly and wheelchairs taking priority.
Way to go! I hope you did ram the chick with the stroller. Just a little nudge, I mean. I complain about hauling my chunker girl in her carseat up 3 flights of stairs. You're stronger than me!
You rock.
wow. to say i'm impressed with both your guts and your delivery would be an understatement. it's a solid 10 minutes before i can think of the perfect thing i SHOULD have said. and by then, everyone's off the elevator. you're a rock star. way to take it to 'em.
I think you should have hit the girl with the stroller. What a little bitz! I have people who are rude. That's just like parking in a handicap spot. Way to go for saying something!
What a good friend I have-risking her life to stick up for me and my not so little stollered baby. Thanks for being so brave-you are my hero!
good! i'm glad you spoke up! people are just inconsiderate and stupid sometimes!
Seriously...love it. I really wish you would have rammed her with the stroller. Maybe you could come down here and take care of crazy lady for me.
very brave.
i really, really, really wish i could have witnessed this.
More power to ya.
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