a few weekends ago kathryn and mike showed us around the bustling metropolis of new canaan, connecticut. at times i felt a little out of place without my luxury SUV and fine casual wear, but team burton unanimously agreed that this weekend was probably one of the most thoroughly enjoyable ones we've had whilst living in new york. we apple picked, pumpkin patched, watched movies, got our "craft" on and ate, ate, ate. i even let my hair down a little and tanked an entire cupful of unpasteurized apple cider. wild, i tell you.
matt and mike are cousins, meaning if all goes well we'll all be in the celestial kingdom together someday. i'm glad we're all friends cos eternity might be awkward, otherwise.
muchas, muchas gracias, whitings.
fire engine.

pony ride. don't let his somber countenance fool you. this face means he is trying really, really hard to play it cool and contain his total elation.

and the tongue means he's trying to stifle a smile.
see, there's the tongue.

fox preferred the low-hanging fruit.

los whitings fantásticos.

sittin' on a stoop. and the tongue.
hey mike, let's go get more apple cider donuts. okay? okay.

oh copper pumpkin, we miss you.
and it's not like i can just reproduce one here in the city. you suburbanites don't know what a luxury a garage or yard is. if i went outside on the street with an open can of spray paint, i'm sure i'd get slapped with a misdemeanor.
yes. i'm still bitter.
looks like a fabulous weekend. your fox is sure growing up to be a supa cutie.
love the pictures! it all looks so picturesque and reminds me of baby boom. :) i really like kathryn and i don't know her. i'm kind of mad i didn't get to meet her when i was there last spring.
We really like the idea of sharing our celestial glory with the Burtons. Let's plan on that.
A few points:
Love your photos. You're good with your camera. 'Specially the one with Fox & Mike waving. Makes me happy inside that these guys like each other.
Hate the person that stole your beloved pumpkin. We've already discussed my feelings on karma.
Sister Hilary should know that a friend of E = a friend of me (eek, mine, I tried).
the picture of you and fox in the apple orchard should be in a magazine, but that goes for most of your pictures! I love Connecticut now even more than just from gilmore girls!
oh i heart autumn and all your pics look fabulous. i love the idea of spray painting the pumpkins. since i do have a garage i should take advantage i suppose.
i love fox's cute bam bam costume!
pretty pictures! muy bien, hermanita. and can i say you are looking awfully dapper and darling in your third-trimester-ness. can't wait to see you and tickle fox and high five mattie b. we love you guys.
The picture of Fox with two apples cracks me up every time.
Yes, sometimes I am 5....
gorgeous pics, e :)
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