this delicate little flower can produce insane amounts of barf. and this is not your typical post-feed little burpy spit-up; we're talking projectile, exorcist level kind of stuff, like on aliens when bishop's chest is pierced by the queen alien's tail and from his mouth spews forth this milky-colored android bodily fluid into orbit. ya, like that. today she managed to drench not only me, but fox, gunther, the rug, my slippers and the couch. it was indeed ugly, but more importantly, or unfortunately, it was stinky. our sofa smells like something crawled inside the cushions and died. we're done entertaining for a while.
and the look on her poor little face after she's purged... it's as if to say, sweet holy moses, what was that?? i'm so sorry, honeygirl. i guess you don't like barbeque pop chips as much as i do.
oh, that face. forgiveness unnecessary.
ahhh isn't it amazing how much fluid can be contained in one small kiddo?
I've seen her projectile vomit in action, & it truly is remarkable. She's clearly gifted.
Do you think she has acid reflux? Maybe that's why she's a little more of a drama queen than Fox was.
Scarlett hurled all day as a baby and when we moved from our apartment in DC she was only 6 weeks old and I had just given up on cleaning it up from the carpet since I knew they were replacing it. It was like the blog of eternal stench!
poor little indiegirl! not to mention poor erin, foxworth, gunners, couch, slippers, and rug! at least the little lady gives it her all!
prevacid and axid. ella was on them from day one in the hospital and they changed our lives. she never had the chance to projectile because they could hear it just listening to her lungs.
the docs were convinced grayce never had reflux despite her skinny frame that never gained weight the first year, we switched doctors and he immediately had us hooked up. it changed my toddler over night. they both still deal with it, so you might want to look into it. they sleep better and are generally happier. plan on selling a kidney on he black market to pay for the meds tho, we are set back over a hundred greens every month after insurance.
sorry, advice overload
Ah yes. I have witnessed this first hand and its truly amazing. Poor thing.
But at least she's cute!
poor little kid. drew was like that too. we bought new couches.
i love your posts!
We can relate. Both girls were projectors. I soon realized that full body blankets were necessary as opposed to the convenient diaper bag sized ones (unless I wanted to pack extra clothes). In 5 weeks I will get to see if Sami follows suit.
So golden question...where are you headed in May or did I miss that in your post?
has she ever had spit up come out of her nose?? it's already happened to sophie twice, once today. it was so so sad and she couldn't breathe for a second.
I need to read your blog when I'm not eating lunch ;)
i'm with everyone on getting her checked out. poppy had reflux. it was no bueno.
as for the stench... buy some stain and odor spray with active enzymes from the pet care aisle. i'm of the opinion that every household needs it. the enzymes eat up whatever is causing the smell. we've used on everything that has been pooped/barfed on, running shoes, my mom even borrowed it after a soured milk in the car incident.
but she is oh-so-cute.
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